Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)


INFORMATION by Stephen Ibaraki

Could technical standards for Artificial Intelligence help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?

The World Economic Forum has identified Artificial Intelligence (AI) as one of the top 6 trends shaping our society. Gartner's 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies has the perceptual smart machine age as a top 3 trend. And Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has said that "we should be very careful about artificial intelligence ... it is perhaps our biggest existential threat."

But what is AI, and is our wariness of unintended consequences obstructing our view of the great benefits it could bring humanity? What are the implications to society, economic development, and our paths to prosperity?

The 'AI of Everything' era

The near future will see large parts of our lives influenced by the AI of Everything (AoE) – an inflection point for humankind.


AI: central to achieving the SDGs

AI innovation will be central to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by capitalizing on the unprecedented quantities of data now being generated on sentiment behavior, human health, commerce, communications, migration and more.


ITU and AI standards and regulation

Global partnerships (SDG 17) will offer crucial support to our pursuit of all of these goals and a draft report by the European Parliament strongly encourages international cooperation in establishing regulations and standards for the governance of AI technologies under the auspices of the United Nations.


CLICK HERE for more information and to read entire UN ituBlog article.